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Dramatic Reading — That I Might Dwell Among Them by Dietrich Bartel
Easter Readers' Theater by Michelle Jantzi Dueck
Readers’ Theatre – Dazzling God: For Transfiguration Sunday by Allegra Friesen Epp
Monologue - Abram by Arlyn Friesen Epp
Dramatic Reading - Lament Over Sexual Violence by Valerie Smith
Stations of the Cross - A Modern Portrayal by Marlis Funk
Ash Wednesday Confessional Prayers by Michelle Jantzi Dueck
Monologue - Jacob by Arlyn Friesen Epp
Service - Memorial Candle Lighting
Monologue - Philemon by Arlyn Friesen Epp
Readers' Theater - Mary's Annunciation by Michelle Jantzi Dueck
Invocation – Days of Mystery and Expectancy by Michelle Jantzi Dueck